The constants in life are power and feeling. The changes in life are in the expressions creatures find for these constants.
Therefore I may feel love [or hate] and express it in different ways, but the fact that I feel love [or hate] is a constant and an ancient thing pledged by the Creator in many religions though there be times of joy, and times of war and times of utter silence. [For is everything unbalanced and chaotic then; even in the mind of the Creator, or it is simply in the expressions we perceive$%: I should hope that it is the latter].
The constant of power; authority, wealth, advantage, hierarchy, is always present in human societies [and amongst other beasts]. There is always one superior or inferior to the other [depending on the vantage point] amongst two or more individuals. The vantage point being the focus from which the change must spring.
The constants of human behavior are the feelings that pass through our minds and bodies and the powers we possess to express them or suppress them.
Our feelings can be broken down into the raw electrical impulses contained in these compound descriptions we term as love, anger, loneliness, joy, bitterness, excitement, depression, anticipation, ecstasy, pessimism, grief, apathy, peace, rapture, goodwill and benevolence, strength, lust, weakness, temptation, resolve, wrath, intimidation ... Our feelings are truths [it is written somewhere that the body cannot lie], they reflect things that stimulate and impress upon us and the they are the truths that lie behind all our actions.
This is the first part of the rule governing human behavior, the second half being the power that exists alongside these feelings to bring them to the surface or to suppress them.
The constant; human beings are induced to feel, and the power that exists alongside a feeling will bring it into dominance or let it be suppressed in the flow of events set into motion by the inducement and the tide of inducements.
Change therefore comes forth from the individual abilities of individual feelings to thrive or be swept away [or rather 'under rug swept'].
Nothing is new. For example boats, cars, airplanes, spaceships all originate from the same concept which is travel. They are merely different expressions of travel that have led to an evolution of the concept of travel. But travel [motion from which it evolved] continues to exist.
And from this suggestion can there be any true concept of change in the complete differentiation of two separate factors$%: Everything continues to evolve, not change, things that lie beneath the surface continue to be revealed, and things before the naked eye continue to disappear behind appearances.
Is it not merely the shifting of focuses, shifting of conceptions and perceptions, shifting of 'expressions' most importantly, that has led to this illusion of 'change'$%:
Nothing changes; things merely appear and disappear. These things being things that have existed throughout our concept of existence and will continue beyond it.
Nothing changes.
And therefore change is not real. Only the constants are real. Ah, once again I begin to stress the utmost significance of feelings. But I believe they are the real things in life, the forces beneath the chimeras. Just as power, the second constant; is. Everything else is an illusion. I believe truth lies in feeling and deception in expression. Feeling lies untouched within the vials of emotion that exist within the mind and spirit, but expression is corrupted from the outside.
Which is why people can be 'deluded' and deceived by what they are induced to feel. For example torture or well-being can be induced to the mind through the use of machines and chemical compounds that produce stimulus, people can swallow pills and consume narcotics to stimulate ecstasy and invincibility, and even the mere watching of porn movies, feeding the mind with sexual imagery to stimulate sexual desire, or listening of music for relaxation or excitement.
This is the whole genesis of the substitute worlds we create around us, which I believe are no less real [to our minds at least] than the supposed 'real world of existence'.
So 'addicts', 'dreamers' and people who generally seek to escape from 'reality' have unfortunately, through their individual methods, used these substitute, synthesized worlds to the general disadvantage of their 'actual' existences, realizing that everything is in fact a total illusion, and preferring to then have at least a dominance or a control over the illusion projected around them through the alternative means they have acquired and utilized instantly, whenever they want.
This is not to say that these illusions are unnecessary.
They are not, for how else can positive feelings become induced or good vibrations introduced to influence the 'real' world$%:
I believe the purpose of human existence is to feel. We live to feel, even in the most mundane circumstances. And we acquire experience and skill to develop the potential feelings inside ourselves. We earn money to make ourselves 'feel' comfortable. We surround ourselves with protection to make ourselves 'feel' secure and safe. We make families to 'feel' happy and loved. We observe our religious obligations to 'feel' better about ourselves.
It is only unnecessary to willfully allow our minds to place an addictive emphasis on any of the things outside the two constants.
We wear clothes not to 'feel' naked. Yet ages ago human beings did not 'feel' naked whilst they roamed about in the nude.
Nakedness is a feeling and a constant, the way it is induced and expressed changes. The illusion of change comes with evolution, but the feeling; the chemical impulse, remains the same.
Hence we concern ourselves with preserving our minds from the inducements of nakedness, and not magnify the need parts of the body to be concealed. In essence, we accept the mode to avoid the feeling of nakedness if it is by concealing certain parts, but we are not deceived that it is a constant, for expressions change [for people still roam about in the nude in parts of the world even at present and it is not an expression of nakedness to them as individuals].
It's all about the feeling.
So the projection of illusions to induce feelings is necessary. Only, I believe in putting these rules into practice in the 'real' world. For we must have been placed here in our 'real' world, here amongst ourselves, sharing an illusion, for some purpose.
The rules governing human behavior, the two constants; power and feeling, can be utilized directly without substitute synthesized worlds that are separate from the illusions shared by groups of human beings, for these substitutes may put the power over our illusions into other hands in the long run.
For end the supply of drugs and the addict's 'new world of feeling' will come to an end. And what a tragedy! Somebody brought on an apocalypse. Somebody else was in control after all. That person became the god; the creator of the addict's realm.
Do not be a subject. Be a god, and be the god.
How$%: By learning from the Creator, and the creators that use His principles [although often in adulterated versions].
Take control of your world and derive your feelings from enduring, lasting things that have an endless supply.
Do not plug into anything temporary unless there is an enduring substance to be derived when it passes away. Let the elements be the source of your ultimate highs; derive your euphoria from the stars! If you are what you eat then eat from the earth that lasts forever. Grow yourself from constants not changes. Emphasize on the constants, not the change.
Feelings are the key to life. My task is to perceive the feelings in myself, the feelings in others, and our sources. For I will then be able to conceptualize and induce or predict change in myself and amongst the human beings around me that inevitably affect my existence.
And power; one must perceive the power in oneself and the power in others, and our sources, for this same purpose.
Determined by the feelings sprung inside me, I must have a control over the inducements, create the changes where they are necessary, destroy the changes where they are not, draw the positive feelings closer, separate myself from the negative.
All through perception will I be able to know about feelings and power. All through perception can I establish the constants of human behavior surrounding me.